Zoom online meetings for non-NW groups

Zoom allows you, the North Way employee, to setup an online meeting without attending the meeting.  As an example, campus managers can setup small group meetings but not be required to attend to “start” the meeting.  Attendees will still be able to use audio, video, screen share, and whiteboards amongst themselves.  The only functionality lost is that of having a host who can force/override attendee settings, i.e. mute everyone.  

Follow these steps when setting up a meeting.

1.  Press Schedule in your Zoom client or online

2.  Set your meeting name and time.  Most other settings can stay default.

3.  Verify the Waiting Room is turned off.

4.  Show advanced or additional options and select “Allow participants to join anytime”

5. Optional: Alternative Hosts:  If you know there will be a NW employee on the call that you would like to have the hosting abilities, add their NW email here.  Note that the NW employee must have a paid Zoom license to Host.

6.  Save the meeting.

7.  Copy the meeting invitation and paste into an email to all the meeting participants.